CCSD News 2024-25
CTAE Pathway Students Showcase Talent at Annual Community Competition
The showcase features students enrolled in a wide range of pathways, including Agriculture, Automotive, Electrical, Engineering, Fire/EMR, and Law Enforcement, showcasing knowledge, skills and abilities they have learned in their respective programs through competition with their peers.
The event not only allows students to interact with local businesses but also provides teachers and local businesses with a unique platform to connect with the next generation of employees. Local business owners have the chance to see firsthand the talent being nurtured in classrooms in the Columbia County School District. Similarly, students have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into potential employment opportunities available right here in our community.

Corryn Smith (right), from Grovetown High School holds her scholarship award check funded in partnership with Rob Zapata (left) of Zapata's Electrical Service.

Ethan Lin was also awarded a $1,000 Work-Based Learning Scholarship from the Columbia County School District Foundation.

Law Enforcement - Tactical

Law Enforcement - Crime Scene

Zack Gaskins, Anslee Rowell, Christina VanVoorhis, from Harlem High School
Law Enforcement - High-Risk Traffic Stop

Construction - Residential Electric
Joseph Jordan from Evans High School (Pictured with Rob Zapata from Zapata’s Electrical)
Engineering - VEX Robotics
(Pictured with their instructor Chris Wyant, far left)
Firefighting - Skills Challenge
Agriculture - Tractor
First Place - Will Tyler from Harlem High School

Second Place - Owen Spivey from Harlem High School
Third Place - Jacob Powell from Evans High School
Agriculture - Mower
First Place - Barrett DuBose from Harlem High School
Second Place - Breanna Cannon from Evans High School
(Not Pictured) Third Place - Natalie Whorton from Harlem High School
Agriculture - Plant Identification
Second Place - Daniella Aguilar from Harlem High School
Automotive - Overall Points Winner

Automotive - Beginner
Matthew Morris from Harlem High School
Automotive - Intermediate
Automotive - Advanced
(Pictured with Grovetown High School automotive teacher and advisor Mr. Kristopher Norris, far left.)
Automotive Competition Winners
Student-Athletes Compete at Winter Special Olympics Games Bowling Competition
January 31, 2025
Congratulations, to all of our incredible student-athletes from the Columbia County School District who competed in the 2025 Winter State Special Olympics Bowling Competition.
Team Panther Pride Gold Medal Winners: Jevon Dunn, Cooper Claus, Nicholas Holsten, and Kaleb Steele
Team Strike Force Brown Medal Winners: Joseph Zuniga, Kymani Sessions, and Khoal Fountain
Team Strike Zone Bronze Medal Winners: Sky Rittenhouse, Abdias Colon, Bryan Belton Jr., and Michael Barker
Team Pin Crushers Gold Medal Winners: Kate Daly, Parris Blakely, Dawn Rittenhouse, and Sarah Wahman.
Lakeside High student-athlete Kaleb Steele was chosen by the Special Olympics Games of Georgia as the Athlete of the Month for March 2025.
Kaleb is a Senior this year, and he enjoys playing and practicing his skills for many sports including basketball, bocce, and golf, however, Kaleb's skills truly shine whenever he is bowling. He loves telling jokes and making people laugh. With his infectious smile and laugh, he brings positivity and joy to others. Kaleb competed in his very first State Winter Games this year in Team Bowling. He and his teammates had the best time competing together and were able to bring home the GOLD!! When asked what his favorite part about State Games, Kaleb said, “Bowling with my friends and having my family cheer for me!”
Congratulations, Kaleb!
January 31, 2025 - Student, teacher recognized fby Georgia Science Teachers Association (Click Here)
Student and teacher recognized for excellence by Georgia Science Teachers Association
Ava Butler from Grovetown High School was awarded the Georgia Science Teacher Association (GSTA) Student Scholarship, for students to continue their science education through formal or informal educational programs including camps or undergraduate college programs/courses. Ava’s teachers say her drive, determination, and dedication to a future STEM career are demonstrated by the different summer experiences she selected to attend in Georgia through the 4H Environmental Education Program, two programs at Georgia Technical Institute, and one program at the Georgia Aquarium. Ava is also one of two students selected to serve on the State Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council.
Ava Butler from Grovetown High School, right, stands with State School Superintendent Richard Woods, after being awarded the Georgia Science Teachers Association (GSTA) Student Scholarship.
Emily Flynt, Biology and Chemistry teacher at Greenbrier High School, was awarded the GSTA Teacher of Promise Award which recognizes science teachers with one, two, or three years of teaching experience that show exceptional promise. As the winner, Ms. Flynt received a cash prize along with the opportunity to either publish an article in the GSTA newsletter, or present at next year’s conference.
Those who recommended Ms. Flynt for this award described the impact she is making on her collaborative teams and brings insight that is helping everyone grow and better serve all students.
Ms. Crystal McDowell, left, the 2024 Columbia County School District Teacher of the Year and Top 10 Finalist for State Teacher of the Year, stands with Emily Flynt, biology and chemistry teacher at Greenbrier High School, after being named the GSTA Teacher of Promise.
January 14, 2025 - Eighth Graders explore high school opportunities at inaugural Pathway Fair
Eighth Graders explore high school opportunities at inaugural Pathway Fair
During the event, eighth graders had the opportunity to engage with high school students enrolled in each pathway along with industry representatives who work directly with those pathways.
A total of 24 CTAE and Fine Arts pathways were on display for eighth graders to explore. Students used an interest form to select their top three pathway interests they might like to participate in as a high school student. The pathway fair is followed by the annual Rising Freshmen Night for eighth graders and their parents on Thursday night, taking place at their zoned high school.
The Pathway Fair is an event unique to the CCSD and is designed to help students make an informed decision about the pathway(s) they would like to participate in as part of their overall high school experience.
Grovetown High School students share information about their respective pathways on display to eighth graders at the CCSD Support Department Complex, on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, for the inaugural Pathway Fair for eighth graders.
November 4, 2024 - Ms. Tabitha Purvis named 2025 CCSD Teacher of the Year (Click Here)
Ms. Tabitha Purvis was named 2025 CCSD Teacher of the Year at the annual celebration
November 4, 2024 - Congratulations to Ms. Tabitha Purvis from Euchee Creek Elementary School, the 2025 Columbia County School District Teacher of the Year.
Pictured from left: Superintendent Dr. Steven Flynt; Ms. Tabitha Purvis, 2025 CCSD Teacher of the Year; and Euchee Creek Elementary School Principal Katy Yeargain.
Ms. Purvis currently teaches 5th-grade math and science.
Ms. Purvis, all top five finalists and school-level winners were recognized at the annual Teacher of the Year Celebration on Monday, November 4, 2024, at the Columbia County Exhibition Center. The celebration was rescheduled and relocated due to Hurricane Helene.
Special thanks to our partners in education for generously donating gifts for the winner and all teachers of the year. The top prize is a free one-year lease of a new BMW 228 Coupe Sedan, courtesy of Taylor BMW. The car also comes with complimentary insurance on behalf of Acrisure Insurance and a $1,000 gas gift card, compliments of Affordable Auto Insurance.
Thanks to our sponsors and congratulations to the 2025 CCSD Teacher of the Year, Ms. Purvis.
Congratulations, to each of the Top Five Finalists. Hear what their students had to say about the great work they do.
Annual Teacher of the Year Celebration photos (click here)
Click here to see videos of each Top Five Finalist for Teacher of the Year
October 17, 2024 - CCSD celebrates increase in Class of 2024 graduation rate (Click Here)
Graduation rates reported by the Georgia Department of Education began using an adjusted cohort calculation in 2011.
With that, the Class of 2024 graduation rate rose to 93.4%, 8 percentage points higher than the state average of 85.4%. This year’s graduation rate is also an all-time high for the CCSD since 2011, and Evans High School and Lakeside High School also reported their highest rates since 2011.
The dedicated staff of the CCSD works hard to encourage students to engage in their education and graduate on time. Through developing and implementing the CCSD’s Academic Curriculum for Excellence (ACE) and enhancing the CCSD High School Experience, students have learning options that begin in middle school with opportunities to earn high school credit. In high school, students can enrich their academic experience through a growing number of CTAE pathways and work-based learning opportunities, dual enrollment, advanced placement course offerings, the IB Diploma Programme, and athletics and fine arts programs.
Overall, this outstanding accomplishment is a picture of the hard work and dedication of our staff, students, and their families. Congratulations, to the graduating class of 2024.
Class of 2024 Graduation Percentages |
Evans High School |
94.7% |
1.7% increase |
Greenbrier High School |
94.4% |
2.2% decrease |
Grovetown High School |
91.9% |
2.3% increase |
Harlem High School |
88.1% |
0.5% increase |
Lakeside High School |
97% |
3.6% increase |
July 9, 2024 - CCSD Police earn prestigious state certification in record time (Click Here)
July 9, 2024
CCSD Police earn prestigious state certification in record time
The Columbia County School District Police Department (CCSDPD) received State Certification by successfully completing the Georgia Association Chiefs of Police (GACP) Georgia Law Enforcement Certification Program.
After a rigorous application and process review, the CCSDPD joins the ranks of only 140 top law enforcement agencies, out of 700 law enforcement agencies across the state, of which 41 are school police, to successfully demonstrate best practices for effective and professional law enforcement. Out of the 180 school districts across the state, the CCSDPD is now one of only five to earn certification. Cornerstones of the certification program include professionalism, positive community support, transparency, ethical conduct, and more. As part of the accreditation process, the CCSDPD met a required 141 standards covering nine areas essential to effective law enforcement. Additionally, the typical 36-month process was completed by the CCSDPD in an impressive 13 months, signifying the department’s commitment to excellence.
“We are so proud of our outstanding team of professional law enforcement officers and staff for their continued dedication to the safety of our schools, students, and staff,” said Dr. Steven Flynt, Superintendent. “This certification is an impressive achievement and is emblematic of the great work that is taking place all across the CCSD every day to help ensure our students receive the high-quality education they deserve, in a safe, positive environment.”
In 2018, the Columbia County Board of Education approved the placement of a dedicated, POST-certified, School Resource Officer in every school. In 2022, the CCSD PD was established along with full jurisdiction of school safety. Today, the Columbia County School District has a dedicated district training officer, and a School Resource Officer in every school, with two at every high school.
With accreditation complete, the CCSDPD will continue to participate in compliance monitoring.
Congratulations, CCSDPD.
Associate Superintendent Penny Jackson (left), and Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Steve Flynt (right), pictured with members of the Columbia County School District Police Department are presented with a plaque from a representative of the Georgia Association Chiefs of Police (GACP), Ed Dinsmore, during the Columbia County Board of Education Meeting on July 9, 2024.
CCSD Police Department Chief Gary Ownes (right), shakes hands with Ed Dinsmore of the Georgia Association Chiefs of Police (left), with CCSD Police Department Captain Joseph Thompson (center), after being presented with a plaque recognizing the department's prestigious state certification, during a Board of Education meeting.
CCSD Police Department Chief Gary Ownes delivers brief remarks during the presentation of a plaque from the Georgia Association Chiefs of Police recognizing the department's earning prestigious state certification, during a Board of Education meeting.