Transportation » Find My School Bus Route

Find My School Bus Route

Step 1:
Visit any school website or the CCSD homepage at and click on the Find My Bus Stop. 

Step 2:
Begin typing your address in the blank Address bar. It is better to type the address number and incomplete the Street Name to ensure a match can be found.
For example, instead of typing “4785 Hereford Farm Road”, type 4785 Herefo and the WebQuery will look for various matches of your address.


Step 3:
Select the correct Address Match


Step 4: Select the School that your student is zoned for


Step 5:Identify your Stop Time, Bus Number and Route Number.
Your Route Number is the last two digits in the Run ID Column. The Route Description contains the driver’s Route (RT) number for all of the routes that they drive and one of those RT numbers will match the number in the Run ID Column.'
