Military Families
Military Resources - Families
Email the School Liaison Officer
Moving soon? Contact the School Liaison at Fort Gordon - Ms. Melissa A. Stover
Military OneSourceMilitary OneSource is a national service to support active duty and reserves service members and their families with any of their concerns: help with child care, personal finances, emotional support during deployments, relocation information, or resources for special circumstances. It includes a 24-hour hotline for counseling available to service members in and outside the country.
Military Family Network
Military Resources - Educators
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)MCEC is a non-profit organization that identifies challenges that face highly mobile military child, increases awareness of these challenges in military and educational communities, and initiates and implements programs to meet the challenges.
Working with Military Children: A Primer for School Personnel
Email the School Liaison Officer
Moving soon? Contact the School Liaison at Fort Gordon - Ms. Melissa A. Stover
Military OneSourceMilitary OneSource is a national service to support active duty and reserves service members and their families with any of their concerns: help with child care, personal finances, emotional support during deployments, relocation information, or resources for special circumstances. It includes a 24-hour hotline for counseling available to service members in and outside the country.
Military Family Network
Military Resources - Educators
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)MCEC is a non-profit organization that identifies challenges that face highly mobile military child, increases awareness of these challenges in military and educational communities, and initiates and implements programs to meet the challenges.
Working with Military Children: A Primer for School Personnel
The Virginia Military Family Services Board prepared a primer for school personnel and guidance counselors. The primer looks at the four major aspects of military lifestyle: separations or deployments, homecomings, relocation, and crises.
Military Resources - Other
Scholarships for Military Children
CYS Services Free Online Tutoring
Live Homework Help® by™ is a free, live, online tutoring service available in English and Spanish 24 hours a day, no matter where you live. Military connected students will be asked for the Garrison Command (Fort Gordon), gender and an e-mail address to register for a login and/or password.
FREE SAT/ACT PowerPrep™ ProgramsThanks to eKnowlege and concerned professional athletes, free $200 SAT/ACT PowerPrep™ programs are available to military service members and their extended families. There is a small fee of $13.84 (per standard program) which enables eKnowledge to provide technical and customer support, registration, licensure, processing, handling and shipping. This nominal charge allows the sponsorship program to continue helping tens of thousands of students every year.
Military students transitioning to Columbia County schools may go to and click on Child and Youth Services (CYS). Information about enrolling in Fort Gordon CYS may also be found on the Fort Gordon web site or you may call the Parent and Outreach Services at (706) 791-4722.
Military Resources - Other
Scholarships for Military Children
CYS Services Free Online Tutoring
Live Homework Help® by™ is a free, live, online tutoring service available in English and Spanish 24 hours a day, no matter where you live. Military connected students will be asked for the Garrison Command (Fort Gordon), gender and an e-mail address to register for a login and/or password.
FREE SAT/ACT PowerPrep™ ProgramsThanks to eKnowlege and concerned professional athletes, free $200 SAT/ACT PowerPrep™ programs are available to military service members and their extended families. There is a small fee of $13.84 (per standard program) which enables eKnowledge to provide technical and customer support, registration, licensure, processing, handling and shipping. This nominal charge allows the sponsorship program to continue helping tens of thousands of students every year.
Military students transitioning to Columbia County schools may go to and click on Child and Youth Services (CYS). Information about enrolling in Fort Gordon CYS may also be found on the Fort Gordon web site or you may call the Parent and Outreach Services at (706) 791-4722.
Army Educational Outreach Program
AEOP provide STEM opportunities for military connected youth. The website provides information about AEOP programs available to youth, scholarship opportunities, news, and ways to get involved.
AEOP provide STEM opportunities for military connected youth. The website provides information about AEOP programs available to youth, scholarship opportunities, news, and ways to get involved.
Army Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
Link to F&MWR installation services Army-wide; find your installation points of contacts and offered services. F&MWR provides a variety of recreation and Family programs for eligible ID card holders. Programs include: recreation, tours and travel, sports, Child and Youth Services, Army Community Services and more.
Link to F&MWR installation services Army-wide; find your installation points of contacts and offered services. F&MWR provides a variety of recreation and Family programs for eligible ID card holders. Programs include: recreation, tours and travel, sports, Child and Youth Services, Army Community Services and more. - takes you directly to the Child and Youth Services section of the Army-wide MWR site. will take you directly to installation search page. From here you can find your installation and then select “CYS Services” then “School Support Services” which will provide you with your SLO contact information, forms requesting a youth sponsor and information about local schools. is a one stop shop for a wide range of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs and services offered at Army Garrisons world-wide. Under the Child and Youth Services option, you can initiate CYS registration, enroll in activities, reserve hourly care, make payments, print reports such as household calendar, receipts, child care tax statements, and current enrollments. You can also update your Family file, print forms for re-registration and more. As a guest you can browse services offered at any Garrison, you must register with the Garrison to finalize actions. Each Garrison site has instructions available. Note, some garrisons do not currently have WebTrac abilities.
Back To School Army Performance Triad Toolkit
The Performance Triad combines sleep, activity and nutrition to help members of the Total Army Family perform at their best. This toolkit provides parents with resources to help their children perform at their best.
The Performance Triad combines sleep, activity and nutrition to help members of the Total Army Family perform at their best. This toolkit provides parents with resources to help their children perform at their best.
Department of Defense Education Activity
Information on DoDEA schools; initiatives in education regarding military connected students, locate DoDEA schools at your duty station, parent and student resources and more.
Information on DoDEA schools; initiatives in education regarding military connected students, locate DoDEA schools at your duty station, parent and student resources and more. - direct link to the Interstate Compact on Education Opportunity for Military Children
Khan Academy
Free on-line learning developed by experts for every subject and every level. Get extra practice at math, English, science and other subjects. Career and college prep is also available.
Free on-line learning developed by experts for every subject and every level. Get extra practice at math, English, science and other subjects. Career and college prep is also available.
March2Success is a DoD sponsored site that helps students prepare for standardized tests, improve school work and review materials. There are also tools for educators and parents to track their students. The site offers full length practice tests for both the SAT and ACT as well as provides videos to help students learn about the college admissions practice and where they can find financial aide. This is offered free of charge.
March2Success is a DoD sponsored site that helps students prepare for standardized tests, improve school work and review materials. There are also tools for educators and parents to track their students. The site offers full length practice tests for both the SAT and ACT as well as provides videos to help students learn about the college admissions practice and where they can find financial aide. This is offered free of charge.
Military Child Care
MCC is a Department of Defense website that provides a single online gateway for military Families seeking child care. It provides a consistent request for care process for military-operated and military subsidized child care options worldwide. The program expedites the child care request for care process by enabling military Families to independently search for and request care, manage their requests and update their profiles.
MCC is a Department of Defense website that provides a single online gateway for military Families seeking child care. It provides a consistent request for care process for military-operated and military subsidized child care options worldwide. The program expedites the child care request for care process by enabling military Families to independently search for and request care, manage their requests and update their profiles.
Military Child Education Coalition
MCEC focuses on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation and transition. Their site provide resources for military Families and educators in military connected schools.
MCEC focuses on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation and transition. Their site provide resources for military Families and educators in military connected schools.
Military Installations
Find any military installation world-wide. Points of contact, articles; installation, newcomer’s and sponsorship, and school information; installation maps, and more. Military Installations helps you prepare for your next move.
Find any military installation world-wide. Points of contact, articles; installation, newcomer’s and sponsorship, and school information; installation maps, and more. Military Installations helps you prepare for your next move.
Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission
The MIC3 is focused on ensuring states that have agreed to the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children uphold the compact. This site provides individuals with resources about military transition and the latest agreements included in the compact. The Commission can assist with resolution of issues associated with the compact and continues to improve education for military connected youth.
The MIC3 is focused on ensuring states that have agreed to the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children uphold the compact. This site provides individuals with resources about military transition and the latest agreements included in the compact. The Commission can assist with resolution of issues associated with the compact and continues to improve education for military connected youth.
Military Kids Connect
An online community for military children (ages 6-17) that provides access to age-appropriate resources to support children dealing with the unique psychological challenges of military life developed by the Department of Defense.
An online community for military children (ages 6-17) that provides access to age-appropriate resources to support children dealing with the unique psychological challenges of military life developed by the Department of Defense.
Military One Source
Links to resources that answer questions about military life. Access the Plan My Move and Plan My Deployment calendar; download information sheets on benefits, parenting, deployment, etc; access 24/7 no cost, confidential counseling resources; download podcasts on military topics.
Links to resources that answer questions about military life. Access the Plan My Move and Plan My Deployment calendar; download information sheets on benefits, parenting, deployment, etc; access 24/7 no cost, confidential counseling resources; download podcasts on military topics. provides resources specific to military youth including information about Military Youth and Teen programs and DoD Summer Camps.
National Center for Education Statistics
Department of Education branch dedicated to the statistic, research, and evaluation of education in the United States. Information provided on this site is based in fact and non-biased. Parents can find specific schools, compare schools, and use the data to make sound educational decisions.
National Assessment for Education Progress (NAEP)
NAEP provides a common measure of student achievement across the country and is considered the “Nation’s Report Card” on education. This is possible as NAEP provides assessments nationwide on all subjects. This allows for a standard of assessment allowing parents to properly compare school performance accurately.
School Liaison Scholarship Database
Listing of crowd sourced scholarships for military connected youth. Scholarships are listed in alphabetical order and provide information on deadlines and qualifications.
Tutoring and homework help provided at no cost to active duty service members and their eligible dependents.