Board of Education » Board Summary

Board Summary

Columbia County Board of Education

Summary of Regular Session

July 23, 2024

5:30 p.m.


The Columbia County Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at the Columbia County Board of Education. The following Board of Education members were present: 


Mr. David Dekle, Chairman

Mr. David Alalof, Vice-Chairman

Mrs. Kristi Baker, Board Member

Ms. Lee Ann Meyer, Board Member

Ms. Judy Teasley, Board Member



The following items were acted upon by the Board of Education Members:


Grace Baptist Church Senior Pastor Bill Hilley gave the invocation


Lakeside High School JROTC Cadets led the Pledge of Allegiance


Approval of Agenda


Approval of Consent Items VI A-F


The work session board meeting was recessed promptly at 6:00 p.m. to call to order the Tax Digest Millage Rate Hearing.  At 6:03 p.m. the work session board meeting was reconvened.


Approval of revisions to Board Policies JBCCA, Student Assignments to Schools, Board Policy JDE, Expulsion, Board Policy JGCD, Medication, Board Policy JGFG, Student Accidents, Board Policy KB, Public Information Program, Board Policy KBCC, Board Meeting News Coverage, Board Policy KEB, Solicitations, Board Policy KG, Use of School Facilities, Board Policy KHE, Gifts to Schools, Board Policy KIA, Political Campaign Materials Distribution, Board Policy KJ, Advertising in the Schools, Board Policy KM, Visitors to Schools, Board Policy KN, Complaints, Board Policy LEB, Parents Organizations, Board Policy LEBA, Parental Involvement in Education, and Board Policy LEG, Business and Labor Organizations  as presented.  Board Member Lee Ann Meyer made a motion to approve Board Policies JBCCA, Student Assignments to Schools, Board Policy JDE, Expulsion, Board Policy JGCD, Medication, Board Policy JGFG, Student Accidents, Board Policy KB, Public Information Program, Board Policy KBCC, Board Meeting News Coverage, Board Policy KEB, Solicitations, Board Policy KG, Use of School Facilities, Board Policy KHE, Gifts to Schools, Board Policy KIA, Political Campaign Materials Distribution, Board Policy KJ, Advertising in the Schools, Board Policy KM, Visitors to Schools, Board Policy KN, Complaints, Board Policy LEB, Parents Organizations, Board Policy LEBA, Parental Involvement in Education, and Board Policy LEG, Business and Labor Organizations


Approval Intergovernmental Agreement with Columbia County Parks and Recreation.


Approval of bid results for Carahsoft Cohesity Backup Solution with Prosy.


Approval of a one-time stipend for select K-5 teachers.


Approval for Vice-Chairman David Alalof to Sign Open Meetings Law Affidavit


Approval of Personnel Recommendations


Approval of purchase for land parcel


Approval of an Easement request by Georgia Power



Columbia County Board of Education

Summary of Special Called Meeting

July 23, 2024

6:00 p.m.


The Columbia County Board of Education met in a Special Called Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at the Columbia County Board of Education. The following Board of Education members were present: 


Mr. David Dekle, Chairman

Mr. David Alalof, Vice-Chairman

Mr. Kristi Baker, Board Member

Ms. Lee Ann Meyer, Board Member

Ms. Judy Teasley, Board Member


The following items were acted upon by the Board of Education Members:


Approval of Agenda


There were no members of the public who requested to provide public input. 


Approval of the Tax Digest Millage Rate

