Special Education Preschool
Our mission as a preschool department is to prepare early learners to embark on their educational journey with the tools necessary to participate in the general curriculum. We seek to provide quality instruction in a curriculum framework, which is developmentally appropriate with researched-based early literacy and language interventions and strategies. We seek to aid parents in developing their skills to understand and support their early learners. We believe every preschool student with special needs has the ability to develop skills to participate in the typical school environment with appropriate support and services to meet their greatest potential. Each child is perceived to have abilities not yet discovered and skills not yet developed. Teachers are perceived as guides to discover and nurture each child’s full potential. Parents are perceived as not only their first teachers, but partners with their teachers to enhance their child’s learning throughout their journey.
Special Education Preschool Overview (Click Here)
Frequently Asked Questions (Click Here)
What is Preschool Special Education?
An early intervention program designed for children ages 3-5 years old. The Columbia County School District Special Education Department operates the program. The program provides home-based, community-based, and/or school-based services related to the specific needs of the child.
Who is eligible for services?
Families with preschool children aged 3-5 years old who have special needs or exhibit significant weakness in any of the five areas of development: Communication/Language, Cognition, Social/Emotional, Motor, and/or Physical development are eligible for services. Screenings are scheduled throughout the school year to determine if additional testing is needed for determination of services.