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Gifted Education Program

 Mission Statement
The Columbia County Gifted Education Program supports the rationale that each student should receive educational experiences appropriate for his/her individual abilities, interests, and learning styles. The program prepares the student to function at the upper limits of personal ability. The Gifted Education Program provides a differentiated curriculum of content, process, skills, and creative expression.
Gifted Program Services
Elementary Gifted Delivery Models
Students in 2nd through 5th grades are served in the Gifted Resource
Program. Each elementary school has a gifted specialist who works with gifted
students in this pull-out resource setting. The curriculum has
an academic content foundation, but it focuses on interdisciplinary
enrichment activities. The content and pacing are differentiated to the
degree that activities are more advanced than activities in the regular classroom.
In the cluster grouping model, identified gifted students are placed as a
group into an otherwise heterogeneous classroom with a gifted endorsed
teacher, rather than being dispersed among all of the classrooms at that
grade level. The teacher makes curriculum modifications based upon the
advanced learning needs of the students.
In the collaborative model, a gifted specialist works with the regular
classroom teacher to plan curriculum modifications for the gifted
students. Modifications are tailored to the advanced learning needs of
the student.
*If you have questions about elementary gifted services, please contact
the school guidance counselor.
Middle School Gifted Delivery Models
Gifted services in middle schools are primarily provided through
advanced content classes with gifted endorsed teachers. In these core
classes, students are homogeneously grouped based on achievement and
interest in a specific academic content area. The advanced course
content, teaching strategies, pacing, and assessments differ from courses
more typical for students at that grade level.
In the cluster grouping model, identified gifted students are placed as a
group into an otherwise heterogeneous classroom with a gifted endorsed
teacher. The teacher makes curriculum modifications based upon the
advanced learning needs of the students.
In the collaborative model, a gifted specialist works with the regular
classroom teacher to plan curriculum modifications for the gifted
students. Modifications are tailored to the advanced learning needs of
the student.
*If you have questions about middle school gifted services, please contact
the school counselor.
High School Gifted Delivery Models
Gifted services in high schools are primarily provided through advanced
content classes. In these classes, students are homogeneously grouped
based on achievement and interest in a specific academic content area.
Gifted students in high schools receive advanced content instruction in a
variety of courses, as determined by the individual schools.
High school students are offered various Advanced Placement courses,
which vary among the different Columbia County high schools.
Advanced Placement courses, due to their rigorous nature, are
considered to be a part of the gifted program and count as the student’s
gifted instruction.
In the cluster grouping model, identified gifted students are placed as a
group into an otherwise heterogeneous classroom with a gifted endorsed
teacher. The teacher makes curriculum modifications based upon the
advanced learning needs of the students.
*If you have questions about high school gifted services, please contact
the school guidance counselor.
Gifted Transfer Students
Gifted Transfer Students
The following procedures will be employed when placing gifted transfer
students into the gifted program. If you have any questions, please contact the
school guidance counselor.
Students transferring within the Columbia County School District
Gifted students transferring from one Columbia County school to another are
automatically placed in the gifted program of the receiving school if they were
successfully participating in the sending school’s gifted program. If the
student was on a probation plan in the previous school, then the student will
complete the goals outlined in the probation plan. The guidance counselor at
the sending school will send the student’s gifted file to the guidance counselor
at the receiving school.
Students transferring from other systems within the state of Georgia
Students identified as gifted in any state-funded school district in Georgia
enjoy reciprocal eligibility in all other school systems in the state. Upon enrollment
in our district, the receiving school will contact the sending school to request the
student’s gifted education record, including documentation of successful
participation in a gifted program and gifted test scores. The school counselor will
review the student’s gifted education records. If the student was determined 
eligible for the gifted program and was successfully participating in the sending
school’s gifted program, the student will be placed into the gifted program in
Columbia County as soon as the parent signs the Permission to Place in Gifted
Program letter. If the student was on a probation plan in the previous school, then
the student will complete the goals outlined in the probation plan.
Students transferring from systems outside the state of Georgia (nonmilitary)
Gifted education programs are not federally funded or mandated, which
means each state sets its own eligibility guidelines. Therefore, a student who
is eligible for services in one state is not automatically eligible in Georgia. The
school counselor at the receiving school will complete an eligibility evaluation
on an out-of state transfer student in a timely manner to ensure proper
placement. To expedite this process, parents should bring a copy of the
student’s gifted education record, including documentation of successful
participation in a gifted program and gifted test scores. If the data meets
Georgia eligibility standards, then the student will be placed in the gifted
program as soon as the parent signs the Permission to Place in Gifted Program
letter. If the data does not meet Georgia standards, the student will be given
subsequent evaluations during the soonest possible testing cycle.
Military students transferring from systems outside the state of Georgia
There is no reciprocity between states, except in the case of children who are
military dependents. In compliance with Title 20, Chapter 17 of the Official
Code of Georgia, children of active military personnel will receive
direct reciprocity, and the district will honor placement of such children in the
gifted program based on educational assessments conducted at the school in
the sending state and participation in like programs in the sending state. 
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How do students qualify for the gifted program?
Students who are referred for gifted testing will be evaluated in four areas:
mental ability, achievement, motivation, and creativity. Tests are administered
by retired teachers and school counselors. There are two ways to qualify:
Option A: A student must score at the 99th percentile (grades K-2) or the 96th
percentile (grades 3-12) on a composite or full-scale score of a standardized
test of mental ability AND score at or above the 90th percentile on the
composite, total math, or total reading section(s) of a nationally-normed test
of academic achievement.
Option B: A student must qualify through a comprehensive multiple-criteria
assessment process by achieving the required score in any three of the four
areas of evaluation: mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation.
How often can my child be evaluated for the gifted program?
Test scores are valid for two years. Students may not test in consecutive years.
May I provide results from private assessments?
All testing is completed by the CCSD. External assessment data will not be
utilized as part of the evaluation process. If a student has been tested by an
outside source (e.g., a private psychologist), the data will not be accepted to
establish eligibility for gifted services but may be utilized to select appropriate
strategies for instruction in the general classroom setting.
What if my child was identified as gifted in another Georgia school system?
Students identified as gifted in any state-funded school district in Georgia are
eligible in all other Georgia school districts, as long as the State Board of
Education (SBOE) eligibility requirements were met at the time of initial
placement. Eligible transfers are placed in the CCSD gifted program after the
receiving school has had an opportunity to review eligibility documentation. If
a student was on a probation plan in the transferring school, then the student
must complete the goals outlined in the probation plan before entering the
receiving school’s gifted education program. Before services begin, the
parent/guardian must sign a consent form for gifted services.
What if my child was identified as gifted in another state?
Because definitions of giftedness and eligibility criteria for gifted program
placement are established by individual states, there is no mandated
reciprocity unless the student is a dependent of active military personnel (See below
for information about Military Dependent Reciprocity). Students entering
CCSD from another state must meet the SBOE criteria for placement in the
gifted program. Test data from the student’s previous school is used to
determine eligibility in Georgia. Additional testing will be necessary if
eligibility is not established using test data from the sending school.
What is military reciprocity?
In compliance with O.C.G.A. § 20-17-2, children of:
(1) active duty members of the uniformed services, including members of the
National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders pursuant to 10 U.S.C.
Sections 1209 and 1211; (2) members or veterans of the uniformed services
who are severely injured or medically discharged or retired for a period of one
year after medical discharge or retirement;
(3) members of the uniformed services who die on active duty or as a result of
injuries sustained on active duty for a period of one year after death
shall receive direct reciprocity, and the district will honor placement of such
children in gifted and talented programs based on current educational
assessments conducted at the school in the sending state or participation or
placement in like programs in the sending state. Students indicated above who
are identified for gifted services in CCSD shall follow all guidelines established
for gifted education programs, to include adherence to continuation policy.
Who do I contact about the gifted program at my child’s school?
Each school has a gifted contact counselor.
If my child is determined eligible, what gifted services are provided?
Gifted services vary by grade level. In elementary school, students are served
through the resource model, cluster grouping model, and/or collaborative
model. In middle school, gifted students receive gifted services through
content courses through the advanced content, cluster grouping, and/or
collaborative models. In high school, gifted students receive services through
Advanced Content courses, Advanced Placement courses, International
Baccalaureate courses, and cluster grouping. For a description of gifted
services by level, please see Gifted Program Services on the Gifted Program