Existing Student Registration How-To
To update your student(s) and family information for the incoming school year, please log in to Parent Portal. For assistance accessing an already-established parent portal account, click here.
For a video tutorial, Click Here. Or, to review step-by-step instructions, continue to the information below.
Once you have successfully logged into your account, click on the “More” tab at the bottom:
In the next window click on “Online Registration”:
Choose the Registration with “Existing Student Registration” in the title.
This will open a window with the student’s name(s), click “Begin Registration”.
(NOTE: If you do not see ALL of your students’ names, let the school know. Do NOT begin the registration unless all of your students are listed.)
Type in the student's parent or legal guardian's first and last name in the box and then click “Begin” to update information.
You will be asked to verify the information currently entered. Please make any changes to the listed phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses. Please contact your child's school for any information that cannot be changed. This includes misspelled names, incorrect birthdays and/or social security numbers.
Please review the information listed within each tab: Household; Parent; Emergency Contact; and Student.
(NOTE: Under the “Household” tab parents will be required to enter one proof of residency in a jpeg or pdf format. A residence is defined as the full-time primary residence of the child and the child's parent or legal guardian. The following items are accepted as proof of residence: a valid Georgia driver’s license or voter’s registration card; current property tax receipt; power, gas, or water bill; home mortgage, lease or rental agreement, or other such objective evidence that will assist school employees in determining residence.)
Click on “Next” to get through each section and click “Save” at the end of each tab. When you have verified ALL information AND saved after each tab, it will take you to the “Completed” tab where you can submit your information.
Your Existing Student Registration will be complete at that time.
Please contact your child's school directly for assistance with Existing Student Registration, or email [email protected].