10-Year, Three-Phase Program
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CCSD’s comprehensive building program calls for modernization and upgrades to existing schools, as well as preventive maintenance and the purchase of new school buses. It also includes upgrades to technology and the district’s infrastructure… improvements that benefit all schools. Due to the scope of the program and funding, the program has been developed as a 10-year, three-phase program.
- Phase 1 of the long-range building program addresses the needs at some of our oldest facilities, providing additions and renovations at Evans, Lakeside, and Harlem high schools.
- Phase 2 includes projects at Greenbrier High School, Grovetown High School, Grovetown Middle School, and Grovetown Elementary School.
- Projects in Phase 3 will take place over the life of the program, and will address identified needs (HVAC, lighting, flooring, painting, restrooms, parking lots, fire alarms, furniture, etc.) at all facilities.
Phase 1 Projects
Evans High School Additions and Renovations
- 22 new instructional units
- New cafeteria, commons area, and kitchen
- New competition gym with offices
- New performing arts complex and 500 seat theater
- New administrative offices and renovate existing suite
- New multi-purpose building and weigh room
- Renovate old cafeteria for flexible learning spaces and CTAE
- Convert old kitchen to culinary arts lab
- Painting, flooring, bathroom renovations, new sound and light systems, security upgrades
- Site improvements
- LED lighting
- Flooring and painting
- Classroom furniture
- Student restrooms
- Doors and hardware
- Fire alarm and PA systems
- Gym locker rooms
- ROTC drill area
- Ticket booth
- Miscellaneous site improvements
- Technology devices for student use
Lakeside High School Additions and Renovations
- 25 new instructional units
- New cafeteria, commons area, and kitchen
- New competition gym with offices
- New multi-purpose building and weigh room
- New performing arts complex with 500 seat theater
- New administrative office and renovate existing suite
- New CTAE addition
- Renovate old cafeteria for flexible learning spaces and CTAE
- Convert old kitchen to culinary arts lab
- Classroom furniture
- Flooring
- LED Lighting
- Student and staff restrooms
- Fire alarm and PA systems
- Door hardware
- Lockers in locker rooms
- Flooring in gym locker rooms
- Home concessions building
- Technology devices for student use
- Site Improvements
- Painting, flooring, bathroom renovations, new sound and light systems, security upgrades
Harlem High School Additions and Renovations
- New cafeteria, commons area, and kitchen
- New competition gym with offices
- New performing arts complex with 500 seat theater
- Convert old theatre into new instructional spaces
- New administrative offices and renovate existing suite
- Renovate old cafeteria for flexible learning space
- Convert old kitchen into culinary arts lab
- New CTAE addition or CTAE renovations
- Expand media center
- New multipurpose building and weight room
- LED lighting
- Flooring and painting
- Classroom furniture
- Student restrooms
- Doors and hardware
- Fire alarm and PA systems
- ROTC drill area
- Ticket booth
- Site improvements
- Technology devices for student use
Phase 2 Projects
Greenbrier High School Additions and Renovations
- 10 to 14 classroom addition
- New competition gym with offices
- New multipurpose building and weight room
- New CTAE addition
- New performing arts center with band and choral
- Convert old theatre into new instructional spaces
- Upgrade and improve building needs
- Site improvements
- LED sign at entry
- Classroom and administrative furniture
- HVAC in gym locker rooms
- Flooring
- Door and cabinet hardware and refinish
- Seating, curtains, and sound/lighting system in theater
- New ROTC drill area
- Technology devices for student use
- Exterior canopy to connect wings
- Upgraded fire alarm and intercom system
Grovetown High School Additions and Renovations
- New competition gym with offices
- New multipurpose building with weight room
- New performing arts center with band and choral
- Convert old theatre into new instructional spaces
- LED lighting
- HVAC upgrades
- Site improvements
- Classroom furniture
- Seating, curtains, and sound/lighting system in theater
- Updated fire alarm and intercom system
- Classroom flooring
- Safety upgrades
- ROTC drill area
- Technology devices for student use
Grovetown Middle School Additions and Renovations
- 6-12 classroom addition
- New roof
- HVAC upgrades
- Fire alarm and intercom system
- Digital marquee sign
- Classroom furniture
- Student restrooms
- Parking lot
- Gym floor
- Sound system in gym
- Outdoor classroom
- Site improvements
Grovetown Elementary School Additions and Renovations
- 4-8 classroom addition
- Classroom furniture
- Window treatments
- Drinking fountains with bottle fillers
- Acoustical treatments in cafeteria
- Courtyard site improvements
- Miscellaneous site improvements
Phase 3 - Current List of Projects
Ongoing identified projects based on need that will be completed over the life of the program
Upgrades at all facilities based on a needs assessment:
- HVAC, lighting, flooring, painting, restrooms, parking lots, fire alarms, furniture, etc.
- Technology infrastructure and classroom devices
- School buses
Ongoing capital expenditures not in plan:
- Columbia Virtual Academy and Columbia County Alternative School
- District support departments
- Infrastructure – detention ponds, sidewalks, turning lanes, traffic improvements, etc.
- New PE gym with offices and restrooms
- HVAC upgrades
- LED lighting
- Parking lot
- Student restrooms
- Painting
- Playground equipment and improvements
- Office furniture
- Security upgrades
- Site improvements
- Stage curtains
- HVAC upgrades
- LED lighting
- Fire and intercom system
- Ceiling tiles and flooring
- ADA lift for stage
- HVAC replacements
- Painting
- Playground equipment and site improvements
- Kitchen equipment
- Courtyard site improvements
- Site improvements
- Fire and intercom system
- HVAC upgrades
- Furniture in cafeteria
- Stage curtains
- Student and staff restrooms
- Parking lot improvements
- LED lighting
- Exterior doors
- Site improvements
- New PE gym with office and restrooms
- HVAC upgrades
- LED lighting
- Fire and intercom system
- Classroom furniture
- Roof repairs
- Flooring in classrooms
- Stage curtain
- ADA lift for stage
- Student restrooms
- Cafeteria renovation
- Kitchen renovation
- Site improvements
- HVAC in locker rooms
- Fire and intercom system
- Student restrooms
- Painting
- Gym floor
- Office furniture
- Traffic gates
- Projector and screen in gym
- Security cameras
- Site improvements
- Classroom furniture
- Student restrooms
- New gym with offices and storage
- Lunchroom renovation including acoustical panels/ceiling and furniture
- Key FOB system for exterior doors
- Playground equipment
- Fire alarm and intercom system
- Site improvements
- HVAC upgrades
- Playground equipment and site improvements
- Cafeteria window treatments
- Courtyard site improvements
- Art room kiln exhaust system
- Safety improvements
- Site improvements
- HVAC upgrades
- Student restrooms
- New PE gym and offices with storage
- Convert existing PE area to cafeteria with new cafeteria tables
- Sound system in gym
- Fire and intercom system
- Stage curtains
- Administrative office furniture
- LED lighting
- Fire alarm and intercom system
- Classroom furniture
- Classroom flooring
- Stage curtains
- Gym sound system
- Cafeteria tables
- Office furniture
- Site improvements
- Student and staff restrooms
- Fire and intercom system
- Canopy at student drop off area
- Stage curtain
- Door hardware
- Basketball backboards and electric winches
- Sound system for gym and cafeteria
- Front entrance landscaping
- Site improvements
- New PE gym and offices
- HVAC upgrades
- Fire alarm and intercom system
- Cafeteria renovation with new tables
- Playground equipment and site improvements
- Parking lot
- Classroom furniture
- Kitchen equipment
- Site improvements
- Phone system at front entrance
- Intercom system in public areas
- Security upgrades
- Custodial equipment
- Roof repairs
- Site improvements
- Landscaping and fence near medical center
- HVAC upgrades
- Student restrooms
- Digital LED marquee sign
- Media center flooring
- Site improvements
- Playground equipment and site improvements
- Courtyard site improvements
- Acoustical sound panels in cafeteria
- Site improvements
- Staff restrooms
- Fire and intercom system
- Outdoor classroom
- Playground equipment
- Cafeteria sound and lighting system
- Cafeteria window treatments
- Site improvements
- Field improvements
- HVAC upgrades
- Roof
- New PE gym with office and restrooms
- Cafeteria renovation
- Classroom furniture
- Projectors in classrooms
- Kitchen equipment
- Site improvements
- Security upgrades
- Fire and intercom system
- Classroom furniture
- Flooring
- Sidewalk improvements
- Playground grading and drainage
- Cafeteria acoustical sound panels
- Exterior doors
- Painting
- Site improvements
- Key fob system for exterior doors
- Fire alarm and intercom system
- Classroom furniture
- Painting
- Student restrooms
- Cafeteria tables
- Safety improvements
- Exterior doors in classrooms
- Sidewalk improvements
- Site improvements
- Digital marquee sign
- LED lighting
- Roof
- HVAC upgrades
- Fire and intercom system
- Gym sound system, projector, and screen
- Field improvements
- Site improvements
- Fire alarm and intercom system
- Gym floor
- Gym sound system
- Student restrooms
- Projectors in classrooms
- Playground equipment and site improvements
- Security upgrades
- Site improvements