The Columbia County School District’s Pre-K program is sponsored by the State of Georgia’s Lottery Funds. Children must reside in the zone of an elementary school that offers a Pre-K program to participate in the lottery drawing or the Pre-K program.
Beginning February 24 - March 21, 2025, please contact your zoned school with a Pre-K program to register for the drawing. The following schools host a Pre-K program:
- Baker Place Elementary
- Brookwood Elementary
- Euchee Creek Elementary
- Grovetown Elementary
- North Columbia Elementary
- North Harlem Elementary
The following CCSD Schools will provide Pre-K Services for the 2025-2026 school year:
Pre-K registration for the drawing for the 2025-2026 school year is scheduled for February 24 - March 21, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Monday - Friday at your eligible zoned school listed above.
This registration affords parents an opportunity to enter their child's name into a random drawing for the limited number of slots available at each school's zoned site. It does not guarantee a Pre-K seat at the school. Each child will be assigned a unique Pre-K drawing number upon registering for the drawing at the child's zoned school. This number will be used during the digital drawing on March 28, 2025, at the Columbia County Board of Education. Results for each drawing will be posted on school websites and at the school by 4:00 p.m. on March 28, 2025. Parents do not need to attend the drawing.
After receiving notification that your child's name was selected for a Pre-K seat, parents MUST then complete the additional new student registration information.
Online registration to be entered into the drawing is not available due to state required forms in the packet. Parents can access a link to printable blank forms so they can complete, sign, and bring the forms to the school. Anyone wishing to register after the drawing, March 28, 2025, will be added to the bottom of the waiting list in the order in which the registration forms are received.
Pre-K Eligibility
Children must be four years old on or before September 1, 2025, to participate in the lottery-funded program. To register to attend Pre-K at a particular school, the child must reside with his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) in that school zone. For exact zoning information search Find My Bus Stop.
Please bring TWO of the following preferred documents to the school to confirm that you live in the zone in which you are registering:
- current property tax receipt
- power or gas bill
- home mortgage note
- lease or rental agreement
- Your child’s original certified birth certificate from Vital Records at the Health Department
- Your child’s Social Security card or tax document showing the child’s number
- The Georgia Certificate of Immunization (3231)
- The Georgia Certificate of Eye, Ear, Dental, and Nutrition (3300)
Pre-K Registration Packet (English) 2025-2026 - These forms cannot be accepted by the school until the first day of Pre-K Registration.
Spanish Pre-K Registration Packet (Click Here)
Helpful Links (Click Here)
Birth Certificate Replacement Information (Click Here)
Pre-K Registration Frequently Asked Questions (Click Here)