Frequently Asked Questions
When will my benefits begin?
When can I enroll in benefits?
Can I change my benefits throughout the year?
How do I find out how may creditable years of service I have?
Where can I find detailed information about the CCSD benefits?
Where can I find the cost of our benefits?
How do I start a new voluntary retirement account with Corebridge?
Who handles sick, personal, and annual leave?
How do I update my beneficiaries with CCSD?
How do I update my beneficiaries with TRS or PSERS?
How do I update my beneficiaries with Corebridge?
How often can I update my beneficiaries?
If an educator is interested in upgrading their certificate, how does the educator they ensure a degree will lead to an upgrade?
If an educator completes a degree that will lead to an upgrade, what are the next steps to have the upgrade processed?
Where does an educator send a PSLF Loan Forgiveness form to be completed?
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
What is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?
Which employees are eligible to take FMLA leave?
- have been employed by the State of Georgia for a total of at least 12 months,
- have worked at least 1,250 hours for the State of Georgia in the 12 months immediately before the start date of FMLA leave,
- have a qualifying reason for the absence (as outlined in section (5) of State
Personnel Board Rule 478-1-.23, Family and Medical Leave), and - have not already exhausted the available FMLA leave entitlement for the 12-month period.
The 12 months of employment are not required to be consecutive in order for the employee to qualify for FMLA leave. In general, employment before a break in service of seven or more years is not counted, unless the break in service is due to an employee's fulfillment of military obligations.
Are paid leave time and other absences from work counted toward the 1,250-hour requirement?
When is an employee entitled to FMLA leave?
during a rolling 12-month period, measured backward from the date an employee
uses any FMLA leave, for any one or combination of the following reasons:
- for the birth and care of the newborn child of the employee within 12 months of the child’s birth;
- when a child under the age of 18 is placed with an employee for adoption or foster care, for preliminary activities required for the placement and during the first 12 months after placement;
- to care for a spouse, child, or parent (not including in-laws) with a serious health condition (meaning inpatient care or continuing medical treatment, as detailed in Section (3) of State Personnel Board Rule 478-1-.23, Family and Medical Leave);
- when the employee is unable to work because of his or her own serious health condition (defined as noted above); or
- for any qualifying exigency arising out of deployment or notice of deployment of the employee’s spouse, child, or parent (not including in-laws) to a foreign country as a member of the regular Armed Forces or as a result of a federal call to active National Guard or Reservist military duty in support of a contingency operation (typically during a war or declared national emergency).
An eligible employee is entitled to take up to 26 workweeks of FMLA leave during a single 12-month period to care for a covered service member undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, therapy, or outpatient services, or who is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness received or aggravated in the line of active military duty. For this type of FMLA leave, the 12-month period begins on the first day the employee takes leave and ends 12 months later.
How much leave is an employee entitled to under the FMLA?
Do employees have to specifically request FMLA leave in order to be entitled to it?
It is often misunderstood that FMLA leave is like an accrual that may be “banked” and used at the employee’s discretion. Actually, the FMLA allows (and arguably requires) an employer to designate qualifying leave as FMLA-covered even though an employee may not want to “use” FMLA leave.
An eligible employee is entitled to use available paid leave, state compensatory time, or FLSA compensatory time to continue to receive compensation from the agency during FMLA leave. Use of paid leave must comply with State Personnel Board Rule 478-1-.16, Absence from Work. Any period of FMLA leave not covered by available paid leave or compensatory time will be without pay.
What is the relationship between FMLA leave and workers’ compensation?
May an employee take FMLA leave intermittently?
- when such is certified as medically necessary for a serious health condition of the employee, spouse, child, or parent;
- when certified as medically necessary to care for a covered service member’s serious injury or illness;
- for a qualifying exigency arising out of a spouse’s, child’s, or parent’s military duty; or
- when required for preliminary activities needed for an adoption or foster care placement to proceed.
When am I paid?
Paid Parental Leave
What is the effective date of the paid parental leave law?
Is PPL retroactive?
qualifying event that occurs prior to the effective date of the state law. Leave must be taken in the 12-month
period following the initial qualifying
If an employee qualifies for both PPL and FMLA leave, what is the total number of weeks that can be taken?
If an employee is eligible for FMLA leave for birth, adoption, or foster care placement and also has accrued leave to apply to the absence, in what order should the agency apply paid leave? Should the agency apply PPL before accrued paid leave?
Will there be a PPL leave code for use in Base Benefits?
provided by SAO.
Will the leave management system load PPL the way it loads education support leave?
State Personnel Board Rule 23, Family and Medical Leave, contains a statement that for the purpose of eligibility determination, the state is considered one employer. Is that the same for PPL?
Is an eligible employee limited to a maximum allotment of 120 hours of PPL in a 12-month period if transferring to another employing entity within the state, or would the 120 hours start over each time an eligible employee transfers?
State Personnel Board Rule 23, Family and Medical Leave, has a spousal limitation clause. Will that apply to PPL as well, or can a state-employed couple use a maximum of 120 hours each?
for a combined total of 240 hours of PPL. The 12-week combined total of FMLA leave still applies, however,
and the agency may, by written policy, require PPL to run concurrently with FMLA leave.
Can an eligible employee take PPL for prenatal medical appointments?
(b) placement of a minor child for adoption with the employee, and
(c) placement of a minor child for foster care with the employee.
Does PPL apply toward the 1,250 hours of work necessary for eligibility for FMLA leave?
unpaid leave or suspension do not count toward the 1,250 hours.”...
May an agency require an employee to take PPL only in a continuous block?
Is there a limitation on approving PPL to be taken on an intermittent basis?
Is PPL prorated for hourly employees?
Can an employee receive PPL while on short-term disability?
Is an Educator certificate required in Georgia?
Atlanta, Georgia 30334-9032
What tests do I need to obtain a Georgia Teaching certificate?
Applicants must take and pass the GACE Content Assessment appropriate to the certification field(s). Registration information is available on the GACE website.
How do I receive credit for my military service?
How do I verify my teaching experience?
How do I apply for a teaching position?
Please explain the Teacher Salary Schedule.
- T-2 = Associate's Degree and/or is a part of our CTAE program.
- BT-4 = Bachelor's Degree and in a teacher certification program
- T-4 = Bachelor's Degree + Teaching Certificate
- BT-5 = Master's Degree and in a teacher certification program
- T-5 = Master's Degree + Teaching Certificate
- BT-6 = Specialist Degree and in a teacher certification program
- T-6 = Specialist Degree + Teaching Certificate
- BT-7 = Doctorate Degree and in a teacher certification program
- T-7 = Doctorate Degree + Teaching Certificate
- Step E is the first year of teaching, also known as year 0. We pay based on completed years of teaching experience.
State of Georgia Teaching Incentive
Guaranteed Step
- a satisfactory evaluation
- worked at least 63% of your contracted days
- and are full-time teacher.