Employee Incentive Program
The Employee Incentive Program is sponsored by the Human Resources Department as a service to all system employees. All interested businesses submit proposal forms to Sean Petro at [email protected]. Once the proposal is evaluated and approved, the incentive will be added to our list, which is available at www.ccboe.net. We reserve the right to deny any proposal for products or services deemed questionable, controversial or otherwise not in the best interest of the Columbia County School District.
It is not the function of this program to provide price or quality comparisons. The school system neither recommends nor guarantees services that appear in this program. It is the employee’s responsibility to be a wise consumer and make price comparisons to insure customer satisfaction.
The Columbia County School District and Board of Education are not liable for any damages or claims that employees may have against any of these vendors.
The employee is responsible for presenting their employee ID at participating businesses in order to qualify for the advertised incentive. Some companies may also require picture identification such as a driver’s license. If a business requires a special business-issued card in addition to the proof of employment card, then the company or business will be responsible for issuing the card to employees who patronize the business. Employees are encouraged to recruit other businesses to participate. The manager or owner of the company should be referred to apply through the Human Resources Department, 4781 Hereford Farm Road, Evans, GA 30809, fax 706.855.3866 or via the Human Resource web page at www.ccboe.net.
In the event of problems in receiving the described benefits or if the proposal is determined to be misleading, please submit a written “EVALUATION REPORT” to Sean Petro, Assistant Director of Human Resources at [email protected] or fax the report to 706.855.3866. The evaluation report form is available on the Human Resources web page at www.ccboe.net. Thank you for your effort to help